Best Bid’s School of Electrical Estimating is by far the most comprehensive collection of useful knowledge on how to do Electrical Estimating ever assembled. The classes are On-Line and you learn at your own pace.
Bill Merit of Merits Electrical says .
It is by far the best money I have ever invested. The videos not only increased my knowledge of estimating but I own this material to share with future estimators that I hire.
Sandy Spree of Pledge Electric says
I took these courses on my own. I didn’t have any estimating experience prior to the course. I was intrigued and quickly found that estimating was my thing. It took me a while but I tested for the Master Estimator certificate and scored 84 on my first try. I then purchased a copy of the Best Bid Hybrid Pro and mastered the software by watching the videos and email support. It didn’t happen overnight but I doubled my income and I love my job.
We opened these courses because we didn’t see a clear path to becoming an Electrical Estimator.
We sell electrical estimating software and it is true that estimating software cuts your estimating time in half but it works much better when the user understands How To Estimate. Having the basics to build on is important.
Now there is clear path that anyone can follow.
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